Michael Brown | Unshackled 10 | Conviction Overturned Twice but Still in Prison Even After 2 Decades
When an Innocent Man Gets Railroaded, by the Possible Murderer, With Help From the County and the State Authorities, and They All Actually Succeed. - Temporarily. 9 December 2022 | Susan Brown Long | West Virginia | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News | Washington D.C. The Michael Brown Case Read the facts and decide for yourself if Michael Brown is serving a sentence that belongs to someone else. JUSTICE DENIED FOR MICHAEL E. BROWN By Susan Brown Long edited by Barbara Jean McAtlin, Justice Denied Staff, March 2002. At some point during the summer of 1997, two men, Greg Black, 40, and Ron Davis, 37, were shot to death in their Salt Rock, West Virginia, home. Their bodies were found on August 17, 1997. Three men, Matt Fortner, Joe France, and Michael Brown were charged with the two murders. Both Fortner and France had previous arrest records and had been in trouble with the law; Brown did not have a previous arrest record and had never been in trouble with the law. On August 23, 1997, the house where Black and Davis were murdered burned to the ground. With only a cursory investigation, the police called the fire "arson." A man named Jason Pinkerton, along with a male passenger was seen driving in the area of the house while it burned. The same evening of the fire, Jason Pinkerton, Daniel Gosney, Matt Fortner, and Joe France, leave West Virginia bound for Florida. Continue on the jBlog - https://www.justicenews.net/post/michael-brown-unshackled-10-conviction-overturned-twice-but-still-in-prison-even-after-2-decadesWhen an Innocent Man Gets Railroaded, by the Possible Murderer, With Help From the County and the State Authorities, and They All Actually Succeed. - Temporarily.
9 December 2022 | Susan Brown Long | West Virginia | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News | Washington D.C.
The Michael Brown Case
Read the facts and decide for yourself if Michael Brown is serving a sentence that belongs to someone else.
By Susan Brown Long edited by Barbara Jean McAtlin, Justice Denied Staff, March 2002.
At some point during the summer of 1997, two men, Greg Black, 40, and Ron Davis, 37, were shot to death in their Salt Rock, West Virginia, home. Their bodies were found on August 17, 1997. Three men, Matt Fortner, Joe France, and Michael Brown were charged with the two murders. Both Fortner and France had previous arrest records and had been in trouble with the law; Brown did not have a previous arrest record and had never been in trouble with the law.
On August 23, 1997, the house where Black and Davis were murdered burned to the ground. With only a cursory investigation, the police called the fire "arson." A man named Jason Pinkerton, along with a male passenger was seen driving in the area of the house while it burned. The same evening of the fire, Jason Pinkerton, Daniel Gosney, Matt Fortner, and Joe France, leave West Virginia bound for Florida.
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